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was not my name. I batted the hand away and reluctantly opened my eyes. For a moment I was going to mumble a complaint to Feenaly for rousing me, but I found Levent standing in front of me instead.

“We’re here,” he said before he walked outside and left me alone in the half-lit room.

I seriously contemplated going back to sleep for a few minutes. Eventually I was able to muster the resolve to stand up. Gathering my things from Bolivar’s desk, I shoved the Sop-Bombs back into my bag and reattached the kettle.

I took one last look around the room and then walked outside.

The lights of the city danced across the water as the sun sunk in the sky behind us. It had been many years since I had seen Lahnfabon Harbor. As far as human cities went, it did have a peculiar charm and sense of openness. The capital of the Dinaeon Republic was the only city in the world where everyone was welcome – except, perhaps, suspicious-looking dragon-kin of course.

I frowned. Levent was probably going to have to sneak in again.

Rio stood on the deck, dressed in the same garb he had been when we first met. One thing was out of place, however: a deep blue bag that was leaned against his ankle.

“Are you going somewhere?” I asked, placing my belongings next to the stairs.

“Why yes, m’lady. I am going to find you a place to live, remember? Plus, I feel you could use some more wholesome company.” He gave a meaningful look toward the kin, who was standing near the bow of the ship.

I decided to ignore that jab. Despite my own trust in Levent, it was going to take more than my word to convince the half-blood. I was fine with waiting for that to happen.

“Thanks,” I said. “How long until we reach port?”

I watched the city go by, losing count of how many lights I could see spreading up the hillside. I had yet to see a place for a ship the size of the Lady Theatus to make land.

“A few minutes yet. I would take one last look around the ship, m’lady. We won’t be seeing it for a while.”

There was sadness in the last few words that made me examine Rio’s face. I realized he was going to miss being on the ocean as much as I would revel being on