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“Now, nothing’ll get done until we have those parts, so I suggest you get down there before nightfall and get all the parts you can find,” he said.

“But if we are just walking around, won’t Levent get arrested again?” I said.

Kewyn gave a little snort and shrugged. It was obvious that she would kind of prefer that occurrence.

“Kewyn, don’t we have a thingy?” her father asked, snapping his fingers.

“A what now?” she said.

“One o’ them pass thingies. You know, you wore one when we first moved here from the homeland.”

“Father,” she said. “It says ‘unaccompanied minor’ on it.”

“So? Who really looks that close. Go get it,” he said.

The blonde rolled her eyes and then trudged outside. A couple minutes later, she returned with a scrap of cloth bordered in gold leaf.

“There,” she said, handing it to her father. She then flicked the curtain aside and left the workshop.

“This should at least help,” Aenlilea said, handing the pass to Levent. It did indeed proclaim ‘unaccompanied minor’ on the front.

“What do I do with it?” Levent asked. He looked at the aged scrap with disdain.

“Tack it to your chest and hope no one gets close enough to read it,” Aenlilea answered.

“Yessir,” Rio said, smirking.

“Good luck,” Aenlilea called as the curtain fell shut. If I had been a little more paranoid, I would have detected a mocking tone in his voice. The mechanic’s true nature was so far an enigma.

Next Chapter XV: Construction